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What’s On

Saturday 26th October at 7.30 pm

Book tickets for Swing from Paris by


Crafty Little Rascals set up ready for a session!

Community Groups

Areley Kings Village Hall is home to a wide range of community led and private groups, offering lots of different activities. Here is a list of some of those groups regularly meeting in our hall

  • Brownies & Rainbows – meets weekly in term time
  • Women’s Institute – meets monthly
  • Stourport Choral Society – meets weekly
  • Book Clubs – meet monthly
  • Quilting groups – meets weekly
  • Craft Groups – various meeting weekly
  • Areley Kings Players – family amateur dramatics [seasonal]
  • Yoga with Mari Singleton – 3 terms a year
  • Mark Wrench’s Fitness classes – meets weekly
  • Younger children’s activities – various & occasional
  • Areley Kings Village History Group – meets monthly
  • Areley Kings Film Club – meets occasionally